Monday, December 1, 2014

Social Media: The New Professional Development

During the infancy stages of Twitter no one would have ever guessed that it, along with other social media platforms, would become the New Professional Development.  It truly is the way to go for anyone to personalize his or her own learning. 

This professional development had two purposes: 1. To show teachers how social media can influence their professional lives and 2. To show teachers how it can influence their students learning. 

Side note: Before planning the session I wanted to model the use of new technology for teachers.  I decided to use Keynote presentation.  Not only did I model the use of this application for Macs, but I also, unintentionally, became an example of bombing a presentation just after I showed a spoof on presentations by (see below).   If anything, I got there attention and they realized learning comes out of struggle, especially if you are using technology.

Back to the New Professional Development: I was able to walk teachers through a slideshare called, Ten Reasons Why Teachers UseTwitter by Mike Paul, Teacher, EdTech Consultant, and CEO of  I actually found this resource while participating in an #edchat.  It was an opportunity for me to show teachers how to use it to gain resources and information pertinent to their work.  Next, I shared some of my tweets with experts in the field as a way to show how Twitter can build and strengthen networks.  It gives any teacher the ability to engage in real discussions with real experts in any field from technology to social studies to assessment.  Twitter is give and take.  It allows you to take resources but you should also share what you do so you are helping others.   


Finally, if Twitter can enhance the work of a teacher then it can do the same for students.  Students can tap into experts as they research, create partnerships with organizations, meet other students with similar interests, and follow colleges that may be of interest to them.  These are just some of the few ways it can make their educational experience stronger. 

Overall, the audience of teachers seemed excited and scared.  Teachers were excited to see a new possibility with Twitter.  Teachers were scared because it was a world they were not too sure they were ready for but they knew it is something they need to do so they can be relevant.  Students need their teachers to be relevant, to be on the same page as them when it comes to technology use. 

A piece of good advice for beginners and gaining comfort with social media such as Twitter from our principal is to try following a field based on a hobby you enjoy.  Taste it first with something fun then take it to another level and begin personalizing your growth. 

Check out some of the learning on twitter by going to #cmscharged