Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Student Data Leadership Team Update...

Our school has been participating in some professional development targeting Formative Assessment and data analysis.  The PD is a RI Department of Education initiative that is facilitated by Amplify.  Our team, with the support of Nate Groenendyk, our Amplify facilitator, has been working over the past few months to teach, target, and transform the way we use data at CMS.  We have come to consensus that Formative Assessment is the link between the teaching and learning or in other words, the link between teacher instruction and student outcomes.  We recently provided two sessions for teachers on a voluntary basis focusing on analyzing data using the Short Cycle of Inquiry.  This cycle provides a thinking framework for teachers to use as they dig deeper into their formative assessment data.  Teachers create clusters and identify pattern of needs from the clusters.  Pattern of needs do not always have to be a deficit area but can also be an enrichment area so the entire class of students is accounted for in the instructional cycle. We also have to remember that we do not attach grades to formative assessments.  They are meant to check the learning aligned to objectives and goals.  We should be asking ourselves, what can I do as a teacher in my instruction that will better serve our students as they work toward the outcomes we expect? 

Monday, November 25, 2013

The goal of this blog is to highlight the work happening at Chariho Middle School as we step forward for our students.  I also hope to provoke reflection and inspire others to want to step forward.

We are driven to teach, target, and transform our students.